
Computer Glasses & Blue Light Protection

In our modern, technology-driven world, the use of computers and mobile phones has become an essential part of our daily lives. The widespread integration of these devices, driven by global business and personal needs, has greatly enhanced convenience and efficiency. However, this advancement has also sparked significant concerns among parents, educators, sociologists, and medical professionals alike.

Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment - Child & Family Eye Care

The average American child spends approximately 4 hours per day engaged in screen time activities, while for adults, this number nearly triples. Nielsen reports that American adults devote up to 11 hours each day to interactive media consumption. Unsurprisingly, such extensive screen usage has led to notable health concerns, particularly affecting the eyes. Digital Eye Strain, commonly known as Computer Vision Syndrome, has emerged as the most prevalent condition associated with these prolonged screen exposures.

What Is Digital Eye Strain?

Digital Eye Strain (DES), also known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), occurs when the eyes are subjected to prolonged focus on digital devices such as TVs, desktop computers, laptops, or smartphones. A staggering 70% of US adults experience this condition, with individuals aged 18-34 reporting higher levels of eye strain compared to older age groups.

Extended screen time leads to reduced blinking, causing discomfort and vision problems. Blinking is essential as it moisturizes the eyes and eliminates foreign particles. Insufficient blinking results in dryness, itching, redness, and may even cause mild swelling or pain, though the severity varies from person to person.

DES can also disrupt sleep patterns and lead to upper body pain. Constant mental alertness while consuming content makes it challenging for the body to relax and rest. Besides sleep and nutrition, the body requires movement and exercise to maintain overall health. Sitting for prolonged periods often leads to stiff shoulders, neck pain, and strain in the upper back.

Eyecare practitioners warn that DES could contribute to the development of cataracts and age-related Macular Degeneration, underscoring the importance of recognizing its symptoms.

Excessive screen time manifests in various DES symptoms, including:

  • Blurry or double vision
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Dry or watery eyes
  • Headaches
  • Itchiness
  • Neck, shoulder, or back pain
  • Red eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sore eyes

What Is Blue Light and Is It Dangerous?

There is an undeniable allure to brightly colored lights—they captivate and mesmerize us. Our eyes are naturally drawn to the brilliance of lights adorning shops, Christmas trees, and decorative fixtures. While most lights used in home décor or holiday decorations pose no harm, the blue light emitted by digital devices is a different story, carrying potential dangers for our eyes.

From a scientific standpoint, the human eye can perceive a specific range of light called the visibility spectrum. Among the colors within this spectrum, blue light stands out as it possesses the highest energy level and is recognized as a primary contributor to Computer Vision Syndrome.

Unlike most other colors of light, which emit a steady and consistent flow, blue light behaves differently. It flickers and experiences intermittent disruptions, compelling our eyes to work harder and leading to eye strain and headaches.

Natural blue light exists in the atmosphere and, in moderate amounts, can have positive effects on our overall health. It has been associated with improved memory, mood enhancement, and increased alertness. However, excessive exposure to blue light can have adverse consequences. It may contribute to issues such as forgetfulness, depression, sleep disturbances, and in severe cases, retinal damage. Studies have indicated that reducing exposure to blue light can significantly alleviate these symptoms.

Kids and Computer Use

In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our children’s lives, starting from infancy. Countless apps and interactive computer games are embraced by millions of children, and a significant portion of school-age kids possess their own smartphones. With the ever-expanding array of high-tech media products tailored for kids, it has become increasingly crucial to prioritize the protection of their eyes.

Q: Why Does Your Teen Need To Worry About Blue Light?

A: In today’s digital age, it’s common for teenagers to spend a significant amount of their daily lives engrossed in digital gadgets. From a young age, kids devote extensive time to screens, including smartphones, iPads, tablets, and computers. While these digital technologies undoubtedly enhance our lives, they also bring along various health risks, particularly for the eyes.

Whether your teenager is conducting research for a school assignment or chatting with friends, prolonged exposure to LED displays can lead to digital eyestrain. Over time, this condition can progress into the chronic issues associated with Computer Vision Syndrome. At Child & Family Eye Care, our pediatric eye doctors witness a growing number of children visiting with typical complaints related to computer vision.


Computer Glasses and Blue Light Protection

Wondering how you can safeguard your eyes from Computer Vision Syndrome while maintaining your computer usage without significant interruptions? The solution lies in protective eyewear.

Special computer glasses provide a shield against harmful blue light and help alleviate eye strain. These glasses incorporate a blue light filter, which blocks the entry of detrimental blue light into your eyes while using digital devices. Consequently, they reduce the strain on your eyes, resulting in improved focus and better sleep patterns.

For those working on computers at a fixed distance or using multiple screens at the same distance, Single Vision Computer Glasses are ideal. These glasses cater to a specific focal length, ensuring optimal vision without strain.

Office or Progressive Lenses, on the other hand, are multifocal lenses that correct both near and distance vision and can be customized to include computer vision. With a wider field of vision, they allow you to comfortably perceive your surroundings without burdening your eyes.

To prevent the development of Computer Vision Syndrome in pediatric patients in The Woodlands, specialized computer glasses are available. Being proactive and addressing the issue before eye strain emerges is crucial, as DES can also impact learning in school.

Step #1: Schedule an Eye Exam

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, it’s advisable to consult an eye doctor. Arrange an appointment with Dr. Troy Wagner for a comprehensive eye exam. During the exam, the doctor will evaluate your eyes and overall vision, inquire about your daily activities and computer usage, and design a personalized plan of action based on your specific needs.

Regular eye examinations are not only beneficial for monitoring your eye health but can also unveil other vision-related issues that may contribute to the frequency of your symptoms, even if you’re unaware of them. Don’t delay any further—book an appointment today.

Visual Aids and Tools for Alleviating Digital Eye Strain

The advancements in technology have brought forth solutions to provide relief for individuals experiencing Digital Eye Strain (DES). Anti-glare covers for desktop computer screens and optimizing screen resolutions can reduce eye strain, eliminating the need to squint or sit too close to the screen. Utilizing proper desk chairs with adequate back support and incorporating ergonomic accessories such as keyboards and computer stands can significantly enhance sitting posture, promoting a more comfortable work environment.

Dr. Troy Wagner is pleased to offer recommendations for various visual aids and devices that can effectively address the symptoms of Digital Eye Strain, enabling individuals to experience more comfortable and sustainable computer use in the long term.

Reducing Screen Time

Recognizing the potential risks associated with excessive screen time, many tech companies have implemented built-in features on smartphones to notify users when their screen usage exceeds a designated threshold. These features aim to raise awareness and encourage individuals to reduce prolonged screen exposure.
