Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation — FAQs

Q: What is Neuro-Optometry?

A: Neuro-optometry is a specialized treatment approach designed for individuals with visual deficits resulting from traumatic brain injuries (TBI), physical disabilities, or other neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, or multiple sclerosis. It focuses on addressing issues related to eye teaming, tracking, and focusing that can impact reading and task completion.

Q: How Does Neuro-Optometry Help?

A: Neuro-optometric rehabilitation aids in the recovery of vision by employing therapeutic activities specifically designed to retrain the neural processes of the brain. Through targeted eye-training exercises, the brain's neuroplasticity can be harnessed to improve eye function. Treatment often involves specialized glasses, in-office sessions, and at-home neuro-rehabilitation exercises aimed at reducing symptoms and promoting visual recovery. These exercises target various aspects, including balance, gait, visual information processing, cognitive skills, visual memory, and motor skills. Starting treatment early enhances the likelihood of recovery and improvement in vision.

Q: What's the Difference Between Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation and Vision Therapy?

A: Neuro-optometric rehabilitation provides personalized treatment for individuals with visual deficits caused by physical disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and other neurological conditions. It employs therapeutic prisms, lenses, filters, and vision therapy techniques to retrain damaged areas of the brain. Vision therapy, a subset of neuro-optometry, focuses on developmental issues like dyslexia.

Q: Which Visual Problems Can a Neuro-Optometrist Treat?

A: A neuro-optometrist can address various visual problems, including double vision, tracking and scanning difficulties, inability to sustain fixation or focus, loss of central vision, strabismus (eye turn), convergence insufficiency, visual field loss, and visual neglect (lack of response to stimuli in one's visual field).

Q: How Can Brain Injury Affect Vision?

A: Brain injuries can lead to eyestrain, reading and attention difficulties, dizziness or nausea, spatial disorientation, bumping into objects when walking, difficulty with walking or posture, perception of a titled floor, and poor depth perception.

Q: Neuro-Optometrist vs. Neuro-Ophthalmologist — What's the Difference?

A: Neuro-optometrists specialize in diagnosing and treating neurological conditions affecting the visual system, using optical lenses and eye-training exercises to rehabilitate vision. Neuro-ophthalmologists are medical doctors who focus on the medical or surgical treatment of nervous system diseases or conditions affecting vision.

Q: If I Need Vision Rehabilitation, Why Must I Work With Other Specialists?

A: Neurological dysfunction often requires a comprehensive approach involving multiple specialists such as optometrists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists. This interdisciplinary team ensures the most effective rehabilitation for individuals with brain injuries, strokes, or other neurological deficits.

Q: Do Visual Problems Manifest Right After a Brain Injury?

A: Visual abnormalities may be initially overlooked due to the immediate focus on life-threatening issues following a brain injury. Symptoms may also take time to appear. Seeking early diagnosis and treatment from a Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Optometrist is crucial for optimal outcomes.

Q: Who Is Neuro-Optometry For?

A: Neuro-optometry is beneficial for individuals with head and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), concussions, cerebral vascular accidents (CVA), cerebral palsy (CP), Parkinson's disease, autism, multiple sclerosis, and diabetic neuropathy.

Q: How Long Is the Vision Rehabilitation Process?

A: The duration of vision rehabilitation programs varies depending on the severity of the injury and its visual impact. Some programs may last weeks or months, while others may extend over years.

Q: Is Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Covered by Insurance?

A: Coverage for neuro-optometric rehabilitation depends on your insurance plan. Contact Child & Family Eye Care to inquire about your insurance provider's terms and conditions. The experienced staff will gladly assist you with any insurance-related questions.

For Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation in The Woodlands, Texas, visit Child & Family Eye Care for a consultation today. Our practice serves patients from The Woodlands, Magnolia, Shenandoah, Tomball, and surrounding communities.

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